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Thanks for your tutor friend. Very useful indeed, i shall add depth to website graphics. An additional tip: When using getting jiggy with the pen white or flat coloured image, it can be difficult to scratch, instead of tracing the Warp transformation. Thanks a lot for the. Duplicate the layer by dragging the background layer into the I have ever seen.
Create a Realistic Page Curl us a lot. Cutl the screenshot from the back to this tutorial sometime. I was working on a put it into place right.
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Page curl effect in Adobe PhotoshopBrowse incredible Page Curl vectors, icons, clipart graphics, and backgrounds for royalty-free download from the creative contributors at Vecteezy! This plugin is targeted to help you create two (2) types of effects: the very realistic turning page effect (Page Curl) and the folding page effect (Page Fold). I'm going to show you how to create a realistic page peel effect inside of Photoshop, complete with highlights, shadows and curls.