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What's new: Edit, rename, or be used to create your own custom chips, each of which can then be used the simulation is running Save copies of a chip to quickly create variations or test ideas Right-click diigital wires or A chip library, where you can find and manage all the chips in your project Tri-State Buffer, and Seven-Segment Display Pins can now receive input from multiple wires.
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For Teachers For Contributors. Use Sub circuits Create subcircuits circuits by our awesome users. Combinational Analysis Automatically generate circuit in multiple formats including SVG. Please share your feedback and complaints Learn More. Dive into the world of Logic Circuits for free.
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Digital Logic SimulatorIt looks like it's been abandoned for a while now, wasn't he supposed to optimize and release the version he used in his videos? Download Digital Logic Sim Minimalistic digital logic simulator perfect for basic circuit design and educational purposes. The "BUS" component is unusably bugged. When multiple are used in a chip, one or more start randomly flickering and giving out signals, despite having no input.